Pancha Dala ( Five Petals )
5th Mar 2022 5.30pm - 7.45pm
Celebrating Scotland’s Year of Stories, Pancha Dala is five magical stories told through Bharatanatyam classical dance style from South Asia. With a modern - even Scottish – touch, they follow the age-old themes of life, love, and loss. Most pieces are accompanied by traditional Indian Carnatic music. These dances emulate the spirit of southern India.
Discover the ancient story of a young Lord Krishna overcoming the serpent Kaliya, the dreaded, multi-hooded snake. Find out how Lord Vishnu - half man, half lion - deals with the demon King Hiranyakashipu. The Scottish tragedy of a young chieftain who falls in love with a lowly maiden is retold through beautiful Bharatanatyam and contemporary dance, while another dance honours the millions of Indian soldiers who fought and died in World War 1 for the British Empire, as told through the eyes of a loving mother.
£11.50 / £8.50. Family ticket £35*
6th Mar 2022 2.30pm - 4.45 pm
Abhinaya Dance Academy presents the graduation performance by its final year students in an authentic Arangetram: Following years of intense training, each dancer must demonstrate she is able to convey every one of the Bharatanatyam moves and expressions she has learned.
This is the first time in Scotland that Arangetram in its pure form has been performed. This classical tradition calls for live music, so skilled musicians from Glasgow, London and India will accompany these honours graduands.
The stunning production will showcase the art form, history and cultural values of Bharatanatyam - a major form of Indian classical dance – reflecting 2000 years of tradition.
FREE - Booking Essential
Performers have been led and trained by Smt Esther Sunija Binu under the tutelage of dance guru and Nattuvanar Shri Sajilal Narayanan in India.
Funded and supported by Creative Scotland, CBFS , Abhinaya Dance Academy, Whitebridge Financial Services, Tramway, The Work Room, Dupont Associates and Gilbrot Accountancy.